Like an Aladdin’s cave, once you’ve stepped into the darkened space and adjusted your eyes, the treasures of the continent glow back from the shelves, walls, ceilings and glass cabinets with extraordinary appeal, sophistication and authentic splendor. With 25 years’ experience, research and hundreds of thousands of kilometers of traveling under their belt, Steve and Juliette can regale you with tales and anecdotes of their travels; meeting chiefs and headmen, discovering beautiful rural villages, mechanical problems, border patrols, crocodiles and mud. It is with patience, skill and a healthy respect for the wilderness that they are able to bring Africa to you in this most unusual gallery where you can just sit down and quietly take it all in.


All around the gallery are shelves and boxes of African treasures


A stack of Zambian stools against a backdrop of collectibles in the gallery


Personally collected ambers, silver and African jewelry displayed in the gallery


Jewellery section with Zulu hats and bushman bags


Sticks, drums, Fulani gourds and Lozi food bowls


Lozi Drums, Tchokwe masks and assorted sticks. In the foreground is a Tonga funeral drum


Zulu milk pails and an assortment of treasures


The Oregon pine table used to belong to the South African Museum many years ago but is now the centerpiece of our gallery
